Ultra Violet Shoe Zap Sanitizer

2 In stock
Article code WARD8353
Shoes are warm, dark and damp — the perfect breeding ground for germs that can infect your feet and make them smell. More effective than sprays and powders that can leave a toxic residue, ShoeZap® is the fast, easy way to kill fungus and bacteria.
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Keeps shoes clean, more hygienic and safe to wear. One size Sanitizer fits all footwear styles and sizes, so ShoeZap® will disinfect every shoe in your home. UVC germicidal light kills fungus and bacteria that thrive in shoes and cause Athlete’s Foot, toenail fungus (onychomychosis), foot and shoe odor, skin infections and more. Helps keep shoes ‘microscopically clean’, hygienic and odor-free, without the use of toxic chemicals. 15-minute automatic-off time cycle. 

  • Kills Fungus & Bacteria That Cause Athlete's Foot, Fungal Nails, Foot & Shoe Odor, Diabetic Infections
  • Keeps Shoes Clean & Hygienic - Without Toxic Chemical Sprays
  • Clinically-Proven Technology
  • Easy, Safe & Effective
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